Come see our occupational therapist team!
They will work with you on developing the strength and coordination in your hands to do the things you need to do every day, and they can help you learn how to use tools to help you be independent until you develop that strength. They can also help you develop strategies to help you write, manage you medication or bills or work on modifying your hobbies that you are having difficulty with or develop new ones. They also can help with developing core strength and balance, and better understand and regulate the information your senses are giving you, with both our adult and pediatric population.
Occupational therapy can help you with being overstimulated or under-stimulated by your senses or environment.
Occupational therapy helps with skills like dressing, writing, brushing teeth and hair, being able to sit, holding a pencil or fork, and so many more ways to help you or your loved one reach the age appropriate level for that skill and gain your independence.