We accept most insurances

Physical & Occupational Therapy

We offer physical and occupational therapy services for ages 2 and up.

Prices range from $120-175 for an evaluation, and $80-$150 for an hour of treatment.

Appointments are typically covered by insurance. An evaluation is required before treatment.

During PT/OT appointments, we provide one-on-one, hands-on techniques, education, and exercises to address your deficits. Families and caregivers are welcome to take part in sessions to have questions answered, be trained in assistance, and help develop a home routine.

Home Safety Assessments

Home safety assessments are available either in-person or via tele-health.

We charge $20 for 15 minutes.

We provide recommendations on how to make a living area safer, as well as equipment recommendations to make activities easier.

Activity Modification Consultations

We charge $50 for thirty minutes.

These consultations advise you on exercises and activity modifications you can use to increase your energy. The goal is to work your way back to being active, or simply get back to doing the things you enjoy!

Functional Mobility Assessments

We charge a $35 fee for an assessment.

Functional mobility assessments are a six-category screen involving an evaluation, interview, and our subjective & objective findings. Activities, exercises, and options are given after the assessment.

Delay the Disease

Classes designed to help mitigate the effects of Parkinson’s Disease
6 one hour sessions – $59

Classes are Tuesdays @11:00 AM
Class Starts: April 9, 2024, May 21, 2024, July 9,2024, August 20, 2024, October 1, 2024, November 12, 2024


4 one hour sessions – $37
Thursdays 5:30pm-6:30pm

There is a Part 1 and Part 2 to this class, Part 1 is required to take Part2. Classes will repeat every other month as Part 2 will directly follow Part 1.
Start Dates Part 1: April 4, 2024, May 30, 2024, August 1,2024, September 19, 2024,

Part 2: May 2, 2024, June 27,2024 (we will skip July 4th), August 29,2024, October 17, 2024

All classes, although run by therapists, are not therapy. As such, no doctor’s order is required, and cost is out of pocket. No doctor’s order is required for home safety assessment or consultations, unless more therapy will be needed. A quick assessment of patient’s history and ability level will be conducted at the beginning of the consultation in order to provide appropriate recommendations. Most insurances require a doctor’s order for therapy, although by state law, PT is able to evaluate without an order. We will schedule for PT evaluation without a doctors order with the understanding that you have to have a primary care physician that we can coordinate with, and that if insurance does not cover the evaluation, you are responsible for paying for it. Medicare patients and any patient needing occupational therapy must have a doctor’s order.